"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Pre-school Curriculum Goals and Objectives at a Glance
Sense of Self
Show ability to adjust to new situations
Demonstrates appropriate trust in adults.
Recognize own feelings and manages them appropriately.
Stand up for rights.
Responsibility for Self and Others
Demonstrate self-direction and independence.
Take responsibility for own well-being.
Respect and care for classroom environment and materials.
Follow classroom routines.
Follow classroom rules.
Prosocial Behavior
Play well with other children.
Recognize the feelings of others and responds appropriately.
Share and respect the rights of others.
Use thinking skills to resolve conflicts.
Gross Motor
Demonstrate basic locomotor skills (running, jumping, hopping, galloping)
Show balance while moving.
Climb up and down
Pedal and steer wheeled vehicle.
Demonstrate throwing, kicking, and catching skills.
Fine Motor
Control small muscles in hands.
Coordinates eye-hand movement.
Use tools for writing and drawing.
Learning and Problem Solving
Observe objects and events with curiosity.
Approach problems flexibly
Show persistence in approaching tasks.
Explore cause and effect.
Apply knowledge or experience to a new context.
Logical Thinking
Classify objects.
Compare/measure objects.
Arrange objects in a series.
Recognize patterns and can repeat them.
Show awareness of time concepts and sequence.
Show awareness of position in space.
Use one-on-one correspondence.
Use numbers and counting.
Representation and Symbolic Thinking
Take pretend roles and situations.
Make believe with objects.
Make and interpret representations.
Listening and Speaking
Hear and discriminate the sounds of language.
Express self using words and expanded sentences.
Understand and follow oral directions.
Answer questions.
Ask questions.
Actively participate in conversations.
Reading and Writing
Enjoy and value reading
Demonstrate understanding of print concepts.
Demonstrate knowledge of the alphabet.
Use emerging reading skills to make meaning from print.
Comprehend and interpret meaning from books and other texts.
Understands the purpose of writing.
Write letters and words.